cast estimate


cast-estimate - Estimate the gas cost of a transaction.


cast estimate [options] to sig [args...]


Estimate the gas cost of a transaction.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.

The signature (sig) can be:

  • A fragment: someFunction(uint256,bytes32)
  • A selector and encoded calldata: 0xcdba2fd40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a69
  • Only the function name: in this case Cast will try to fetch the function signature from Etherscan


Transaction Options

--value value
    Ether to send in the transaction.

    Either specified as an integer (wei), or as a string with a unit, for example:
    - 1ether
    - 10gwei
    - 0.01ether

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint. Accepts a URL or an existing alias in the [rpc_endpoints] table, like mainnet.     Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key, or the key of an Etherscan configuration table.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Estimate the gas cost of calling deposit() on the WETH contract:
    cast estimate 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 \ --value 0.1ether "deposit()"


cast, cast send, cast publish, cast receipt